Does Recoil Laser Tag Require A Phone?

Your trusty mobile device can now be your ultimate weapon in this adrenaline-pumping experience. You may be wondering – does this mean I have to constantly stare at my phone screen instead of enjoying the game?

We debunk this common misconception and delve into the exciting world of Recoil Laser Tag.

  • Gone are the days of heavy vests and cumbersome guns – all you need is your phone to join in on the action. Prepare for a truly immersive gaming experience. It’s like never before, with augmented reality technology. Customize your loadout and track your stats through the Recoil app, making each game uniquely tailored to your preferences.
  • But that’s not all – no more running back and forth to reload or fumbling with buttons on bulky equipment. Simply tap your phone screen to replenish ammo and stay in the game. And with GPS tracking, you can see where your enemies are hiding and strategize accordingly.

So, why settle for traditional laser tag when you can take it to the next level with Recoil? Join us as we explore all that this cutting-edge game has to offer and discover why it’s quickly becoming the go-to choice for gamers everywhere.

Let’s dive in.

Does Recoil Laser Tag Require A Phone-2

Does Recoil Laser Tag Require A Phone?

Yes, Recoil Laser Tag requires a supported iOS or Android device and the free Recoil mobile app to play.

The app uses your phone’s GPS to create location-based gameplay.

Who is This Product For?

Recoil Laser Tag is the ultimate gaming experience. It’s for people who appreciate cutting-edge technology and realistic simulations.

This product caters to tech-savvy individuals who crave a fully-immersive gameplay experience. To enjoy the game, players must have a compatible smartphone, as it is required for gameplay and connecting with other players.

If you love high-tech gadgets and crave an immersive gaming experience, then Recoil Laser Tag is perfect for you. With a variety of game modes and customizable options, this product is suitable for all ages – from kids to adults.

Additionally, the option to purchase additional weapons adds an exciting twist to gameplay.

What’s Included in this Starter Set

The Recoil Laser Tag starter set typically includes two or four guns, a Wi-Fi hub, and an instruction manual. If desired, players can also purchase additional accessories like the RK-45 Spitfire blasters, headphones, GoPro camera mount, SR-12 Rogue Rifle, and Frag Grenade separately to enhance the gameplay experience.

The game can accommodate up to 16 players. It features four different game modes. The possibilities for entertainment are endless.

Item Quantity Description
Guns 2 or 4 The starter set comes with either two or four guns that are equipped with sensors to detect hits and provide a mild recoil effect with each shot.
Wi-Fi Hub 1 The central component of the game is the Wi-Fi hub, which connects all players’ devices and enables real-time communication. It requires four AA batteries to function.
Instruction Manual 1 The instruction manual provides step-by-step setup instructions, gameplay rules, and troubleshooting tips.
Optional Accessories N/A To enhance the gameplay experience, players can purchase additional accessories such as the RK-45 Spitfire blasters, headphones, GoPro camera mount, SR-12 Rogue Rifle, and Frag Grenade separately.

In addition to these items, players will also need an iOS or Android smartphone with the Recoil app downloaded. The app allows for real-time communication and gameplay statistics. It also provides objectives and guides players back to their team’s respawn area when hit.

The game area is limited to 250 feet (76 meters) because of the Wi-Fi hub’s range. Each blaster requires four AA batteries (not included) and can shoot up to 300 feet (91 meters).

Setting up the game is relatively straightforward. It involves inserting batteries into each component. Attach the phone mount to the blasters. Download the app. Affix optional damage sensors.

Other options for laser tag sets include Laser X, which uses a vest instead of sensors on the blaster but lacks volume control.

Setting Up and Installation Process

Setting up and installing Recoil Laser Tag is a simple process that requires several steps. To ensure a smooth experience, follow these instructions carefully:

  • Begin by sorting out the components and inserting batteries into each one – the Wi-Fi hub, RK-45 Spitfire Pistol, SR-12 Rogue Rifle, and Frag Grenade.
  • Next, download the Recoil mobile app on your smartphone. Please note that the app is only compatible with iOS 10 or above and Android 6 or above.
  • Once you have downloaded the app, affix the phone mount to your blasters and make sure it is securely attached.
  • For added features, you can also clip on the optional damage sensor onto your collar or back pocket and plug it into the pistol.
  • Place the Wi-Fi hub in a centralized location, preferably 3-5 feet above the ground for optimal connection.
  • Now, open the app and fill out your details to get started.
  • Keep in mind that a compatible smartphone is necessary to use all features of Recoil Laser Tag.
  • If you prefer solo play, you may want to consider purchasing Laser X with a vest instead of sensors on the blaster.
  • Recoil Laser Tag boasts impressive features such as realistic battlefield simulation, a shooting range of 250 feet (76 meters), user-friendly grips, sound effects, and team communication capabilities.
  • However, there are some drawbacks to be aware of, such as having to change batteries frequently and not having a solo-player setting.
  • Overall, for those with compatible smartphones looking for an immersive laser tag experience that blurs the line between video games and real-life battles, Recoil is a solid choice.
Also Read:  How Long Is A Game Of Laser Tag?

Do you need a phone for setting up and installing Recoil Laser Tag?

Yes, a phone is essential for setting up and installing Recoil Laser Tag. You need the Recoil mobile app to access all game features. This includes tracking health points, ammunition, and team communication.

Additionally, the app serves as a controller for the blasters during gameplay. Without a compatible smartphone (iOS 10 or above or Android 6 or above), players will not be able to fully utilize the capabilities of Recoil Laser Tag.


Playing Recoil Laser Tag with a smartphone is the recommended and most convenient option. However, there are other alternatives for those who do not have access to a compatible device or prefer not to use their phone.

Alternative Description Pros Cons
Purchasing separate sets Instead of using a smartphone, players can buy individual blasters or starter sets that come with all the necessary accessories. – More cost-effective for those who already own compatible devices
– No need to drain phone battery or use up data
– Can add more players by purchasing additional blasters
– May not have access to all features available on the app
– Limits gameplay to one location without GPS coordinates
– May not be as convenient as using a smartphone
Alternative laser tag systems If Recoil is not available or desired, there are other laser tag systems on the market that offer similar gameplay. – Can choose from different price points and features
– Some systems use vests instead of sensors on blasters
– Can accommodate larger groups of players
– May not offer the same level of technology and features as Recoil
– May have different gameplay mechanics and rules
– Compatibility issues with other systems and equipment

Recoil Laser Tag is most convenient and comprehensive when played on a smartphone. However, there are alternative options for those who cannot access a compatible device or prefer phone-free play.

You could choose to purchase separate sets or pick different laser tag systems. Both are viable alternatives.


In conclusion, Recoil Laser Tag has revolutionized the traditional game. It incorporates smartphones as the ultimate weapon.

Players can now immerse themselves in a truly interactive gaming experience. They can do this through augmented reality technology. They won’t be weighed down by clunky equipment or restricted in their movements. The Recoil app offers customizable loadouts. It also has real-time communication. This ensures that each game is unique and tailored to individual preferences.

With GPS tracking and tap-to-reload capabilities, you can stay fully engaged in the game. You won’t have to constantly stare at your phone screen. Say goodbye to outdated laser tag systems and hello to the thrilling world of Recoil.

Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or simply seeking an adrenaline rush, Recoil Laser Tag is the perfect choice for all ages.

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